Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Primative Geometries

Here is a composition of core geometries I did for my Visualization class on one of our schools Cintiqs. This was one of my first times using the cintiq and rendering on it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Teapot Ideation

Who is Thomas Tarr?

          Hello my name is Thomas Tarr, and I attend Wentworth Institute of Technology studying Industrial Design. Ever since my mom had told me about Industrial Design, I had always thought I wanted to design furniture and/or technology. Recently though, I have found interest in animal prosthetics. The reason designing animal prosthetics intrigues me is because I am a dog lover and wanted to find some way to incorporate helping animals and design together. I feel as though this is a perfect way. Below you can find a picture of Derby the dog, who had front leg prosthetics 3D printed for him.